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Who Can’t

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Hallman Woods, Social Security Lawyer

A Social Security Disability Lawyer Near You Who Finds Solutions

Hallman Woods has over 50 years helping disabled people get the benefits to which they are entitled. Having represented thousands of the people of Louisiana he knows the problems facing disabled claimants. He works hard to find successful solutions by using experience, knowledge, and perseverance. He quickly determines strengths and weaknesses of a claim and how to overcome weaknesses.

Family with disabled father posing

Hallman Woods, Social Security Attorney

A Social Security Disability Lawyer Near You Who Finds Solutions

Hallman Woods has over 50 years helping disabled people get the benefits to which they are entitled. Having represented thousands of the people of Louisiana he knows the problems facing disabled claimants. He works hard to find successful solutions by using experience, knowledge, and perseverance. He quickly determines strengths and weaknesses of a claim and how to overcome weaknesses.




Who Has Represented Thousands of Clients


Unlike some firms who handle many different types of cases and transactions, I only represent disabled people with claims before the Social Security Administration. While pretending to be on your side, actually Social Security is a vast and complicated system. There are numerous rules and regulations.


Every person has a unique story. I will develop a personal plan for you so that we can present your claim fully, completely, and enthusiastically. Your claim is the most important one that I have in my office. As your claim progresses I will take the necessary action to present your claim most favorable to you.


Most people have never experienced the necessity for making a Social Security disability claim. It’s a frightening experience to be without a steady income. Fighting the Social Security system only adds to the anguish. I prioritize keeping you fully informed so that you understand how we will be proceeding toward a successful outcome for you.


As the rules and regulations concerning Social Security disability claims evolve, I will make it my business to stay informed. I use technology to its best advantage. For example Social Security video hearings are now available and I use the latest software and equipment.


As a Social Security Disability lawyer, I have years of experience in claims for Social Security Disability benefits. I will take the time to understand your case, from medical records to employment history. I know how intimidating the claims process can be. I aim to ensure you can win your Social Security Disability claim (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim for disability benefits.


Are You Eligible?

Benefits You May Be Entitled To

There are two primary Social Security disability programs. Each program has its own set of rules concerning availability and eligibility. Under both programs, the claimant must be medically disabled according to the Social Security rules.

Social Security Disability Claim Form


Social Security Disability (SSDI) pays benefits based on medical impairments and your work history. To be eligible for benefits, a claimant’s disability must have occurred within 20 of the last 40 quarters.


SSI, however, is for individuals who have never worked or have less than the required quarters. An additional requirement for the SSI program is that the claimant must have limited assets and limited sources of income. The medical disability requirement is the same for both programs.

Disabled Widow(er)

A disabled widow (er) may be entitled to benefits if she (he) is between 50 and 60. The disability must have begun within seven years of the deceased spouse’s death. The exact medical requirements and impairments apply as in other claims for disability benefits.

SSI Benefits for Children

Children may qualify for SSI benefits if the parent’s income meets specific guidelines. The disability of the child must impact six functional areas as provided by the SSA.


Submit an Application

How Do I Apply and What Happens if I’m Turned Down?

There are several steps to apply for SSDI or SSI benefits. Whether I’m disabled or not is determined by the Social Security Administration according to their rules and regulations. These can be pretty complicated and confusing. An initial application can be made online, in person, or by telephone interview.

It’s worth emphasizing that even though a claim may be rejected at first, that doesn’t mean an appeal won’t have different results—denial of initial claims is quite common and often requires claimants to go through an appeals process before they’re awarded benefits.


Appeal if Denied

If your claim is denied, an appeal of the decision must be made. All appeals must be made within 60 days of the decision being complained of.  There are four kinds of appeals.

Judge about to bang gavel


A Request for a Reconsideration follows an unfavorable initial application. The request means that a new set of examiners will review the claim. Any new evidence may be introduced along with an argument as to why the initial application is erroneous.

Hearing Before ALJ

The next step in the appeals process is a request for a hearing before an administrative law judge. New evidence and arguments can be made until five days before the hearing date. This is the claimant’s first opportunity to present their claim face-to-face with the adjudicator.

Next Step-the Appeals Council

Unfavorable decisions may be appealed to the Appeals Council. Adjudicators in the Appeals Council are required to review the entire record. No new material may be added at this stage. The Appeals Council can reverse an ALJ decision, remand the matter for correction of errors committed by the ALJ, or decline to change the decision of the ALJ.

Federal District Court

Finally, if the Appeals Council denies your request, the matter can be reviewed by filing a suit in Federal District court.

Preparation is my key to successful Social Security claims. A successful disability claim needs extensive preparation. Here are some helpful hints to prepare for success.

Happy Family after a successful disability claim

Sources Of Information

While the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) website has information to help you understand the eligibility requirements for the type of benefit you seek, it is complicated, confusing, and hard to use. Why not take a shortcut and make an appointment with me?

Organize Your Medical Records

Your SSA application will require your recent medical records documenting your diagnosis, treatment plan, lab results, medications prescribed, etc. Staying organized with these documents is crucial because it helps determine what additional information may be needed during the review process. We will ensure you have all the required documentation before submitting a claim for processing.

Review Your Social Security Statement Online

An important source of information to help you keep up with the progress of your claim is your mySocialSecurity account, available on the SSA website. Follow the directions to create an account. This allows you to access your Social Security Statement. This statement will show your earnings history, which is used to calculate your benefits. Ensure there are no errors in your reported earnings, as they may affect your benefit amount.

You Can Follow Up On Your Application

Keep track of your application status by checking your account on the SSA website or contacting your local Social Security office. Will help you  respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documentation.

File Documents On Time

Documents must be filed on time in order for your claim to be processed correctly. I will ensure you meet all deadlines so there’s no disruptions. We are always ready to answer questions.

Gather Pertinent Documentation

Have available all relevant documents, including your Social Security card, birth certificate, proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status, military discharge papers (if applicable), and any medical records or evidence related to your claim. This material is essential for us to review and process your claim.

Accuracy And Thoroughness Are Essential

Always give us completely accurate information. It’s also important to be thorough; errors or omissions may delay your claim or result in a denial.

 Submit Your Application

If you submit your application online without our assistance, you may do so at SSA.gov. Most clients have told us that completing this application is complicated and confusing.

Check with us for an alternative way to apply for benefits. Then, if you are denied, always remember we stand ready to assist with appeals.

 It Helps To Stay Organized

Keep all your Social Security-related documents and correspondence safe and organized. This will help you quickly access the information you need during the application process or future interactions with the SSA or us.

Some Common Reasons
Social Security Claims Are Denied

The SSA sometimes declines SSDI and SSI claims due to insufficient medical evidence, filing paperwork errors, eligibility requirements technicalities, or lack of steady work history. Sometimes, an applicant’s claim is refused because they did not offer adequate information on the application or during the appeals.

SSDI and SSI claimants are often turned down because their physical impairments are not severe enough to prevent the claimant from performing all types of employment. Additionally, SSDI claimants are sometimes denied because they do not have sufficient work credits. SSI claimants may be denied because of too many assets or too much income.

Generally, the Social Security Administration is not interested in whether you can do your old job. The question is whether you can do any job with your impairments, including your old job. This rule does not always apply as claimants approach advanced age (50 yrs.), advanced age (55 yrs.), or approaching retirement age (60 yrs.).

You always need to follow your doctor’s recommended treatment. Your claim may be denied if you do not follow the prescribed medical treatment. This includes taking medications and keeping appointments. You are not required to undergo possible life-threatening surgeries.

The claim may be denied if a claimant fails to cooperate with the SSA or fails to provide requested information, such as medical records or employment history. SSDI and SSI applicants can also be denied if they provide incorrect or incomplete information on their applications or during appeals. The SSA wants proof that your disability is severe enough to prevent you from working, and if they don’t see that proof, they will deny your claim.

If any of these reasons apply to you, I can help fight for your social security benefits. I understand how difficult it can be for individuals with disabilities to get the financial assistance they need. We will use our extensive knowledge of SSDI and SSI regulations to ensure that your application is complete, accurate, and stands up to even the most rigid scrutiny by the SSA. 

My Guarantee
To You


Because I have handled thousands of Social Security claims, let me use my experience to present your claim before the Social Security Administration or an Administrative Law Judge. While I cannot guarantee that I will win your claim, I can guarantee that your claim will be fully prepared and vigorously presented.

You may say, “I need a Social Security disability lawyer near me.” No matter where you are located, if you are looking for a Social Security disability attorney near you and reside in Louisiana, I can help.

Contact us today and get the support you need. We will fight for your rights every step of the way! Don’t leave money on the table—I can help you get what’s rightfully yours.

You can trust us to give you your best chance of being approved. Experience counts, and with years of experience in SSDI and SSI cases, we can help level the playing field.

“I believe our most valuable service to you is preparing your claim for appeal and review. Together, we can devise a winning plan for you!”

SSDI Decision Gavel

Helping Clients
Throughout South Louisiana

Contact us now for a free consultation! Get started today.

For more information about your eligibility for Social Security disability benefits, call me at 337-364-4556. Or, send an email using the online contact form or Free Social Security Disability Review form to tell me about your case. Initial case evaluations are free, and there is no fee unless you win your case.